Dr Dodiddily and the Dee-Dot’s : Blog

Dr Dodiddily and the Dee-Dot’s : Blog.

A Coolie Love Ditty, not sure if this was written in China or the USA but it is a beautiful poem.


Chinese Dollies

Here’s are a few Songs and Rhymes – Just for you. xxx

go to page blog to see the video link

Followed by a beautiful verse that I found in a very old book from 1893. It is called ” A Coolie Love Ditty, ” and I guess by today’s political correctness rulings it could be a little old-fashioned. But I think it’s wonderful, such love is he pouring out onto this, his love, that he has just met and loves everything about her from her toes to the top of her head. Wonderful xxx

Chinese Lady of 1892

Oh, the feet of Li-Choi are like round little poles or the stilt which the acrobats use.

When she walks, her plump soles imprint round little holes, so small are her round little shoes.

There are tiny toed maidens, both charming and coy, but none like my lovely Li-choi !

Oh the eyes of Li-choi are so sweetly oblique that they slope like a well written V ;

And so small each resembles a hole in her cheek, set with diamonds that sparkle at me.

There are black eyes that madden and brown eyes that cloy, but none like my lovely Li-choi !


Oh the locks of Li-choi are as straight as bamboo and as oily as well roasted geese

Three hours every week she devotes to shampoo, and an hour every day to goose-grease.

There are maids whose  pigtails are objects of joy, but none like my lovely Li-choi !

Oh the skin of Li-choi is like very thin milk or a sunflower at dawn in the dew.

She shaves off each hair till her flesh is like silk of a colour deliciously blue.

There are maids whose complections a king would enjoy, but none like my lovely Li-choi !


Oh the words of Li-choi are infrequent and few, but they’ve made my emotions intense ;

So I bought her today for my wife and cook too, for a dollar and twenty-five cents !

There are maidens as cheap in Hong-Kong or Amoy, but none like my lovely Li-choi.

                                                                  Unknown Poet 1892


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